New Moon Healing Ritual

New Moon Healing Ritual

Tonight there is new energy for this month. It is the energy of healing from tonight’s New Moon. Now is the time to be kind to yourself. Since the Solar Eclipse on August 21st, many of us have experienced a rising of old and out dated things that no longer serve...
Near Death Survivors

Near Death Survivors

Calling all near death experience survivors who are experiencing things they can’t explain. I am a NDE…cancer survivor actually, and when I began to awaken it was crazy! I could feel and see things that no one else could see, I had a heighten sense of...
7 Steps to Heal

7 Steps to Heal

Are you a Survivor? Have you been experiencing things you are having a hard time explaining?  i.e.: feeling others emotions, hearing voices in your head sharing something about someone – like you should tell them, maybe evening seeing loved ones that have...
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