Healing Lives Through Divine Messages
Stacie Overman In 1999, I was at crossroads in my marriage and my life. My relationship was draining my soul. I also had a strong feeling that there was something more for me to do but I couldn’t see it! I was worried time was running out.
I had to make some life changing decisions but I questioned “Is this really God’s will for my life?” I was torn between my vow I made with God “til death do us part” and having the amazing life I craved.
By 2002, I had two signs that seemed to expose the truth of my situation.
I had a dream that my husband tried to kill me with his new gun. I also had my best friend and my husband show up together to pick me up from a business trip at the airport. When I saw them together it felt VERY wrong. I had a gut feeling they were having an affair but I didn’t have proof.
God kept showing me visions of a better future but I felt stuck and unclear for how to move forward.
At my lowest point, I felt deeply unhappy, disconnected, unloved and alone. At times, I just wished to be taken out of this world by a MAC truck. That’s when my doctor put me on an anti-depressant.
I kept searching for answers about what to do. I continued to pray and ask God to change him. But I struggled to hear and understand what God wanted me to do. I was so worried I would make the wrong decisions.
At one point, I tried to avoid my husband but nothing was working.
One day, I was driving in my Jeep and suddenly I had an overwhelming sense of peace. I just KNEW it was time to end the relationship for good. Within a few weeks, I had everything packed up and I moved out to start my new life and find my something more.
7 years passed by, I was remarried to a wonderful man. My kids were thriving. I was happier.
But I received devastating news: I had Cancer. It crossed my mind, “Did I do something wrong when I got a divorce? God why did this happen?”
This was a big wake-up call that I could no longer avoid dealing with the pain and wounds of my past. I did a process called Deep Soul Healing.
With faith, doing my inner work and by God’s grace, I am completely cancer free, whole and thriving in all areas of my life: health, relationships, spiritually, mentally and I am doing my “something more” which is my coaching business.
Along my life path, I learned three life changing lessons.
1) I had to finally own that I deserved better treatment because I am worthy. I chose to stop the cycle of attracting the wrong kind of situations in my life by no longer being a victim and becoming a powerful creator.
2) I realized that God doesn’t want us to stay in unhealthy relationships when the other person is unwilling to change.
3) Not healing our past hurts and wounds of the past leads to dis-ease in the body. When I chose to sweep all this under the rug and not heal it, it led to a diagnosis of Cancer. And by the grace of God, I did my deep souls healing and I today I’m completely cancer free, I found the love I craved and I am doing meaningful work. (my something more!)
I believe when we choose to stop being a victim and become the powerful creator that God designed us to be and shed the mask to become our authentic self that is when we will have optimal health, find the loving partner, and live your soul’s purpose so you can feel more love, peace and joy.
~Stacie Overman
If you would love to get the same kinds of results I and my exceptional clients get let’s jump on a call together; if you are serious and ready to change your life today. ? Book here ?? HERE
If you would like to connect with Stacie you can find her in her private facebook group: CLICK HERE TO JOIN: There she shares live videos and teaches a few times a week about Understanding Divine Messages.
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