by Spiritual Guide Stacie Overman | Sep 14, 2020
WELCOME TO YOUR GREAT ASSIGNMENT COACHING PROGRAM Based on our discovery call we have found the you have a great assignment. The things you have been experiencing are a common sign that you are a "Way Shower." That feeling of "something more" is God trying to get...
by Spiritual Guide Stacie Overman | Mar 22, 2020
How to use Angel Kisses Every Day The Journal Grab your journal on Amazon so you can follow along with it. ➤ GRAB YOUR JOURNAL HERE...
by Larry Overman | Mar 21, 2020
PATHWAY TO HAPPINESS NEW YOU MASTER CLASS Created by Spiritual Guide Stacie Overman This 7-week master class will help you navigate and manage the awakening signs and symptoms you are experiencing. Discover special techniques to protect and heal yourself. Relieving...
by Larry Overman | Sep 24, 2019
NEW YOU MASTERING YOUR GIFTS COACHING PACKAGE 2 9 weeks of Personal Coaching with Spiritual Guide Stacie Overman You have come so far! This week you will hone in on your strengths and God given gifts. Understanding them and how to use them. Seeing the Awakened New...
by Larry Overman | Jun 10, 2019
NEW YOU - PATH TO HAPPINESS AND WELL BEING COACHING 9 Weeks of Personal Coaching with Spiritual Guide Stacie Overman This 9-week program will help you navigate and manage the awakening signs and symptoms you are experiencing. Masterfully share step by step techniques...