
Understanding The Real You


So you can improve work productivity, teamwork, leadership, sales, and communication.

By giving you insight on your strengths, communication style, motivation preferences, learning style and much more!

Stacie Overman
Stacie Overman

Spiritual Coach & Author

Stacie Overman is a Spiritual Coach, Author, Speaker and Leading Edge Thought Leader; guiding successful faith-centered professional married women.  That are deeply unhappy in their marriage, feel disconnected, and unfulfilled.  And/Or  Feel a strong inner nudge there is something more they are meant to do but they are frustrated because they can’t figure out what it is and they are afraid time is running out.  She successfully guides women to heal their hearts by using her 6 step Deep Soul Healing process.  She has facilitated client breakthroughs for hundreds of clients around the world.

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